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Diet Culture Sabotaged Me

“Lose weight fast!”

“Lose 10 pounds in 1 week.”

“Lose weight without exercise!”

“Eat this not That”

“Fast 12 hours a day & lose weight.”

When I started my weight loss journey, like many of you I took to the internet to “research” how to lose weight. I was bombarded by information on how to lose weight quickly, types of exercises best for targeting certain areas, good foods vs. bad foods for weight loss and thousands of diets and supplements that were currently trending in the weight loss world. It was overwhelming to say the least.

I read hundreds of blogs and articles and browsed countless websites trying to find ways to help me stop my lifelong trend of yo-yo dieting. What I found was a plethora of misinformation that not only worsened my already tainted relationship with food but also contributed to thoughts of self-doubt that was sabotaging my weight loss journey.

Did I need to try the newest fitness craze? Does this supplement actually burn fat & suppress my appetite? What are my best hours for eating/fasting? Is this subscription for “tummy tea” worth $75 a month? Am I going to go to the gym enough to make this $20 per week worth it?

I had tried everything. Keto, Mediterranean, Vegetarian – which was the absolute worst week of my life, by the way – intermittent fasting, Zumba, Hot Yoga, Boot Camps, and cardio on the elliptical or stair master, I would lose 20 pounds and regain it plus some as soon as I fell off the bandwagon of the latest diet & exercise fad.

That all changed, when I was diagnosed with prediabetes, a BMI of 38 (2 points shy of being considered morbidly obese) and high cholesterol. I knew I needed to make some changes in my life to avoid the generational curse of poor health that plagues many of my family members. I was determined to lose weight and keep it off, reverse my prediabetes and not be classified as morbidly obese. That meant finding a permanent solution to my obesity problem. I started reading real medical journals, attending medical conferences and completing medical education on treating diabetes and obesity. I began to realize my struggle with weight was multifaceted and would take more than just “diet and exercise” that countless doctors had previously prescribed.

Of course, I would need to eat less, work-out more and drink more water, but I would also need medication to regulate my blood sugar. I would need to consider my emotional state and situations that cause me to “eat my feelings” and consider the possibility of therapy, antidepressant or anti-anxiety medications to help control those feelings. I would also need to speak with a nutritionist to get properly educated on the health benefits of all food groups and figure out a way to control my sweet-tooth. And, lastly, I would need to consider finding a new medical provider that would not fat-shame me and be willing to listen to my barriers as well as be open to my treatment solutions.

It was when I separated myself from the toxicity and misinformation of diet culture, stopped reading the blogs and articles, quit buying the diet supplements and tummy teas, learned to ignore the diet fads and exercise trends and started understanding the complexity of weight loss was I truly able to lose weight and break the cycle of yo-yo dieting and rebound weight gain.

Curious to learn more about Dobson Health & Wellness? Contact us today to speak with a member of our team and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you. Let's embark on this journey together, because at Dobson Health & Wellness, your well-being is our priority.

Until next time stay Happy & Healthy,

Nurse Nel

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