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Lets Go On A Wardrobe Refresh Journey

Many of us have experienced the frustration of losing weight only to find

ourselves with clothes that no longer fit. Instead of parting with these garments,

we stash them away in closets or boxes, clinging to them "just in case" we regain weight or need them again. I'm guilty of this habit myself, repeatedly cycling through weight loss and gain, feeling like I'm back at square one each time. Cleaning out your closet while losing weight is more than just a practical task—it's an essential step in your journey towards a healthier lifestyle and mindset. Here's why:

1. Physical Reminder of Progress: Getting rid of clothes that no longer fit

serves as a tangible reminder of your weight loss achievements. It's a visual

representation of the progress you've made and can be incredibly


2. Emotional Liberation: Holding onto clothes that no longer fit can evoke

negative emotions such as frustration, self-doubt, or even shame. Clearing

out your closet frees you from the burden of these emotions and allows

you to embrace your changing body with positivity and acceptance.

3. Clearing Space for New Beginnings: Letting go of old clothes creates space

for new, properly fitting clothes that flatter your current body shape. It's an

opportunity to refresh your wardrobe and express your evolving sense of

style as you continue your weight loss journey.

4. Preventing Backsliding: Keeping clothes that are too big "just in case" can inadvertently give you permission to regain weight. It's a safety net that

may subconsciously undermine your commitment to maintaining your

healthier lifestyle.

5. Commitment to Yourself: Cleaning out your closet is a symbolic act of

commitment to your health and well-being. It signifies your dedication to

embracing change and making choices that support your goals, both now

and in the future.

In essence, cleaning out your closet while losing weight is about letting go of the

past, embracing the present, and making room for a brighter, healthier future. It's

a powerful and empowering step towards self-love, acceptance, and continued

growth on your journey towards better health and happiness.

Until Next Time,

Stay Happy & Healthy!

Nurse Nel

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