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Hyrdation Therapy

Feel better in minutes with one of our hydrating

drip customized to your needs and aches

Pain Relief Drip

Hugging a Pillow

 Helps relieve acute and chronic pain & reduce inflammation. Great for PMS & migraine headaches. 

Preformance Recovery

Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Technology

Dehydrated? Recovering from illness, surgery or even a hard workout? Allow our blend of vitamins & minerals to help you get back up and going again.

Immunity Booster


Give your immune system a helping hand with our Vitamin C, Zinc and multivitamin complex blend.

Beauty Blend

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Look and feel your best from the inside out. Our beauty drip infuses vitamins, minerals, amino acids and Biotin to help improve the health of your hair, skin, and nails.


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Feeling a little dry? Rehydrate with a liter of IV fluids. Plain fluids with no add-ons. Or customize your drip with add-on vitamins & minerals. 

Hangover Cure

Image by Anthony DELANOIX

Party a little too hard this weekend? Have one too many cocktails, shots, or mimosas? Then this drip is for you. Relieve your headache or nausea as well as
rehydrate and get back to your day within an hour.

Wellness Enhancer

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Also known as the “Myers Cocktail”  Combination of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids that work together to reduce fatigue, relieve symptoms of chronic conditions, enhance performance and support overall wellness.

Weight Loss & Energy Booster

Image by i yunmai

Vitamin, mineral and antioxidant blend great for boosting metabolism, burning fat & increasing energy.

Build Your Own Hydrating Drip 

Your drip can include:
  • Vitamin B12 (Energy booster)

  • Toradol (pain reliever & anti-inflammatory)

  • Ondansetron (Zofran) (Nausea & GI upset)

  • MICC Fat burning injection

  • Lipo-Mino Mix Fat, Energy & Appetite suppression

  • Benadryl (Allergy relief)

  • Biotin (Beauty Booster)

If you can't find one just right for you, feel free to customize an IV to meet your body's specific needs.   
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