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Image by Siora Photography

With my experience of losing 70lbs and maintaining it for over 3 years, I can confidently say that I know how to get started and stay motivated. It wasn't easy, but I persevered and figured out what worked for me and what't. I believe that weight loss is a personal journey and I'm here to help you find what works for you. Let's do this!

I Follow My Own Advice!

Weight Loss Simplified 



At DHW, we understand that weight loss cannot be achieved through a one-size-fits approach. It is a unique journey for each individual. Our team assists you in developing personalized meal and workout plans that seamlessly integrate into your lifestyle.

Real Time 


We understand that the magic happens at home! Our services include real-time text and nutritional support. If you have any questions or need some extra encouragement, feel free to contact Nurse Nel for a chat!



Losing weight requires more than just eating right and working out. That's where we come in! At DHW, we assist you in finding the right tools to aid you on your weight loss journey.



Our primary objective is not weight loss, but rather ensuring your overall health. We achieve this through monthly weigh-ins and measurement checks, as well as quarterly metabolic and thyroid lab testing and analysis.

Transform Your Body with Our Weight Loss Packages

The Jump Starter

Appetite Suppressant Plus Energy Booster

This program is great for people who do not have a lot of weight to lose or what to take things slow but need a little push in the right direction!


This program includes a monthly prescription for FDA-approved phentermine for appetite suppression and weight loss. Low cost & very effective. No insurance necessary. Our most affordable weight management program. 

On the Scales

The Fresh Start

Basic Semaglutide Program™

This program is great for people who are ready to start making real changes in their lifestyles and body!
Membership Includes:

  • diagnostic testing to help derive your treatment plan.Monthly GLP-1a (compounded or name brand) prescription weight loss medication 

  • Once Monthly MICC vitamin & amino acid fat burning injection

Ultimate Transformation Package

Semaglutide Plus Complete Program™

Program includes combination of medications to maximize your weight loss. This is great for people who want to make a bigger lifestyle change.

Membership Includes:

  • Monthly GLP-1a (compounded or name brand) prescription

  • Additional prescriptions for phentermine, buproprion and/or naltrexone to maximize results if need

  • Quarterly lab review of Metabolism and Thyroid Hormone Analysis

  • Lipo-B injection to boost energy & metabolism, burn fat & suppress appetite

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Weight Loss Boosters

"Skinny" Shot (LipoB)
        Vitamin, mineral, amino acid & antioxidant blend great for boosting metabolism, burning fat, increasing energy and suppressing appetite.


 "Lipo C" Shot
Weight loss & energy booster injection - Vitamin, mineral & antioxidant blend great for boosting metabolism, burning fat & increasing energy


Here at DHW know that weight loss is not a one size fit all plan! M

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